Sunday, September 28, 2008

September 30, 2008

This week's major developments: The nose, mouth, and ears that we'll spend so much time kissing in eight months are beginning to take shape. His heart is beating about 100 to 160 times a minute — almost twice as fast as mine — and blood is beginning to course through his body.
His intestines are developing, and the bud of tissue that will give rise to his lungs has appeared. His pituitary gland is forming, as are the rest of his brain, muscles, and bones.
Right now, our baby is a quarter of an inch long, about the size of a lentil bean.

September 28, 2008

So far so more morning sickness. I believe it was taking the prenatal vitamin in the morning. So now I am taking it when I go to bed. Much better.

Nothing too new to post...just that I can't wait until next Saturday so that we can finally tell our parents! Hopefully we will have a video to show :) just prepare yourselves for my mother. seriously. You should have seen how she reacted when we announced our engagement. THIS WILL BE WORSE, or BETTER...However you want to put it. So stay tuned!

6 days to go

Thursday, September 25, 2008

September 25, 2009

This morning I had my first bout of morning sickness while I was brushing my teeth. I was feeling nauseous anyways, and then I brushed my tongue and that's when it happened. ick. I felt pretty icky until about 9 and it subsided. I was so exhausted today!

9 days until I can tell my parents!!!! I can't wait!

According to
baby hergie is about the size of a sesame seed and looks more like a tiny tadpole than a human. She is now made up of three layers — the ectoderm, the mesoderm, and the endoderm — which will later form all of her organs and tissues.
The heart and circulatory system begin to form in the middle layer, or mesoderm. (This week, in fact, the tiny heart begins to divide into chambers and beat and pump blood.) The mesoderm will also form our baby's muscles, cartilage, bone, and subcutaneous (under skin) tissue.

WOW! Our baby is becoming a person! It's so amazing. We are going to be parents...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

September 24, 2009

I talked to my mom last night and tonight and couldn't tell her!!! The whole time my head is screaming "I'M HAVING A BABY!" but I want to tell her in person, and of course she and my dad are driving through the New England THAT is more important than hearing they are going to finally be grandparents! I have to wait a week and a 1/2 to tell them. I'm going to go nuts. I can't believe that they are travelling the week I find out I'm going to be a mommy.

Nick's getting excited. Last night, our friend Luke stayed with us and he wanted to tell him so bad...but I want to tell Luke and his wife Brandy together, so I am making him wait. They are supposed to be coming over for dinner on Friday night...I hope nothing comes up. It's been hard not to tell her.

Nick is now calling me "Preggo"...I feel like spaghetti sauce.

My sister found a really cool site for me, it shows where Baby Hergie is day by day.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

September 23, 2009

Wow! We did it. We are having a baby. We found out for sure yesterday at 3:30 AM. I had to do a double take when I saw that 2nd line. I couldn't believe it. I told our cat, Jasmine, but she didn't seem to care; she just kept walking. Needless to say I couldn't go back to sleep. So when Nick rolled over a few minutes later and mumbled something, I had to tell him. He couldn't go back to sleep either...but more because he was freaking out. :) He came around though and is now excited.

I discovered today that peppermint candy makes me feel like puking. And my stomach feels like it has a pulled muscle on the left side. Ah...the joys.